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Netherlands Postal Codes

Netherlands Postal Codes are alphanumeric consisting of four digits followed by two uppercase letters. The letters 'F', 'I', 'O', 'Q', 'U' and 'Y' were originally not used for technical reasons, but as almost all existing combinations are now used these letters were allowed for new locations starting 2005. The letter combinations SS, SD and SA are not used for historical reasons.

The city and a region is indicated by the first two digits. Range of house number usually on the same street is indicated by the second two digits . A postal address is uniquely defined by the Netherlands Postal Code and the house number. On average, a Netherlands Postal Code comprises eight single addresses. When addressing mail to the Netherlands from other countries, the prefix NL may be added to the postcode, eg:

Stadsregio Amsterdam
Postbus 626
NL-1000 AP Amsterdam

Enter Netherlands Postal Code: (ex. 1000AE for AE Amseterdam)

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